I'm sick you know. My lymph nodes are swollen, my ears...are well buzzing in and out, and I have a sore throat. I pray that is was because of this weekend, because the alternative, I fear, is much to hard to talk about right now. I could very well be approaching a very pivotal point in my life, God forbid. What every happens, know that this entry is a very important one. It may either teach me a very important lesson, or it may change my life entirely. I'm hoping for the first statement to be true.
So is this how it goes down now? Every illness I get will trigger a psychotic reaction? Is this the way I am to live my life for now on? I seriously hope not. If I am spared, than I will change my lifestyle and always remember this particular state of mind. It hasn't been a good journey the past month or so...in fact it has really pushed me spiritually and made me rethink a lot of things about life. We are not invincible soliders, never think that way. We are not!
I am glad at least I'm still able to write. This I am glad of. The girl in the picture is Jill. Cool girl! We had a great time at the Santa Con...soooo many people gave us crazy looks hehe. I totally want to do this again next year. There is something to be said about a 100+ santa's parading down the streets of Victoria and visiting the local establishments. It was quite an eye opener.
I'm still not fully recovered :(.
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