Radiohead(s) said it best, "Everything I touch turns to stone. I am fused, just in case I blow up. I am blue, just in case I crack up...” Amazing lyrics.
It's Friday again. I am surviving my leadership instruction, and now implementing a new program, I have launched myself into the 24 hour replay to be one of the captains. I will concentrate on fundraising, we have a goal of at least 10,000 (I want to raise 20,000!), and it will be a challenge to motivate people once again...but I already see a fire in the hearts of many. I have a feeling it's going to be a high-quality year.
I met a pleasant guy a couple of days ago and he phoned me last night. No matter how attractive someone is, if they aren't intelligent than I'm done. I'm amazed how unintelligent one guy could be...he babbled on for about an hour on the phone about money, situational issues, and just plain crap. His use of diction and general lack of eloquence made me take a step back from the conversation and dream about an ideal world. Most of the time I think that Mr. Right will pop up at the time when I least expect it. He will have the looks of Pierce Bronson and the intelligence and creativity of both Einstein and Michelangelo. Our conversation was painful to say the least, and I couldn't get a word in. I was trying to hide my laughter. The conversation got to the point where I had to interrupt him and say "I'm going to bed". My fantasy has dissolved into a bleeding pit of insanity, and I'm back to the drawing board again.
It's scary to see how some people become so disconnected. How so many people are oblivious to how to the world really works. The reality we live in isn't questioned by this fellow; it's a simple life. I guess dumb people are happier, because they don't have to deal with the complexities that thinking individual have to face. They don't have to think about Kosovo, world economics, the impact of globalization, and the policies of our tyrannical government. When I wake in the mornings I question where the world is headed; how far we have launched our greedy battles so that we inevitably destroy the earth we are living in, and how we can grow this world into a utopia of bliss. It must be nice to get away from that freedom.
Intelligence is defined as that which produces successful behavior. Intelligence is assumed to result from natural selection. A model is proposed that integrates knowledge from research in both natural and artificial systems. Much is unknown about intelligence, and much will remain beyond human comprehension for a very long time. The fundamental nature of intelligence is only dimly understood, and the elements of self consciousness, perception, reason, emotion, and intuition are clocked in mystery that shrouds the human psyche and fades into the religious. Even the definition of intelligence remains a subject of controversy, and so must any theory that attempts to explain what intelligence is, how it originated, or what are the fundamental processes by which it functions.
If you had a choice, would you rather be an intelligent free thinker or an incredibly attractive person? It's tough to really weight the pros and cons of such a situation. Inevitably I think I would rather be a thinker...I'd rather use my brain, see the world through the eyes of someone able to enjoy it to the fullest. I want to educated myself, and am able to grow spiritually in the sense of emotional intelligence and mental perception. There are so many great novels, so many wonderful documentaries, and people who question your entire existence.
I guess to conclude things; it’s never going to be a process I can easily disseminate. It’s a life long learning project, I sometimes make the right decisions, meet the right people, and my faith in mankind is rejuvenated. Other times, I’m screaming at the universe asking why? I’m sorry if this sounds egotistical. I’m just frustrated with the whole dating process. I’m upset that I cannot cope with certain people, and that I am not able to mould myself into what society wants me to be. I will never enjoy an action movie, or be able to read books like “Internet programming for Dummies”, or nod in agreement when someone uses a really big word (I know the word dammit, and if I don’t, I will ask).
I’ll never be like you, don't bother.
1 comment:
Personally, I'm done thinking about things that "need imporvment" in life. I used to do that a lot and it just made me unhappy and my goal in life is to BE happy. I still like to learn about life but I chose things that will effect me in a positive way. Right now I've taken a real intrest in things like yoga, buddhism, and feng suai. They just speak to me and I want to find out more about them and how they can positivly effect my life.
Honestly, I hate to do this because I'm sort of irritated with her right now, but you should talk to my friend Megan. It seems like you guys could have some good convorsations.
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