People always say you have to love yourself before you can let anyone else in. Well, I love myself, that's not an issue; it's the rest of the world I have a problem with.
I had a date with a 22 year old med school student this weekend. He incisively wanted me to take the lead, which results in a contemptible relationship on my part. I don’t want a one-sided relationship where I feel as if I am responsible for someone else’s entertainment. I have a great disdain for the younger generation seeking out older acquaintances’ to lead them. I can barely lead myself. The conversation was slow for the most part, and I can say that he is a fairly quiet and introspective guy. He was nothing but smiley - with his bright, white teeth and blue eyes - and very hard to figure out.
We hiked up Mt. Finlayson. It was fun, and I think the highlight of the trip was watching my young friend be completely out of his element. He did well though, and only stopped a handful of times for a breather. The day was brilliant, the sun was out, and the stones and foliage scattered around the trail was being bleached by the brightness of the sky.
The mountain is one of the friendliest places I visit. People coming up and down the cliff always say hi, we are all sharing the same struggle – a 1380 foot climb upward. I always love finishing up, and starting the hike back down, only to see very sweaty, out of breath newcomers who obviously haven’t did this hike in a long time. It’s hilarious, and I relish in their pain.
Once a young couple stopped me on my way down, asking me how much further they had to go. I knew that they weren’t even close, maybe just 40 percent up, and I lied to them saying, “Oh, it’s not much further now, you’re almost there!” I only did it to motivate them. When you see a goal insight the struggle isn’t nearly as cumbersome.
My younger companion showed up in jeans, a t-shirt, and a sweater. I’m not sure if he knew that he would be sweating a great deal, and he may have taken for granted the amount of work this novice will have to experience. The hike up is fine, but the last 35 percent is rocky, and you have to bare hand it at times.
He had a slight fear of heights, so certain areas made his clutch on to the stony walkways to ensure he wouldn’t topple down the cliff. I kept giggling to myself, seeing him on all fours; lurching up the path as if this foreign world did support the everyday, trendy gay male. The image of him in heels came to mind and I quietly snickered. He stepped on the stone and rocky areas as if it were a new environment all together. The boy was an alien to this world, and it was all so interesting and delicate. I really did enjoy seeing him experience this for the first time.
I guess that could have been my first time also. My friend Darrin from work took me up. Every time we planned a hike, he would always pull out a big joint and smoke up – we than continued on to a geocache (look it up www.geocaching.com). Geocaching is a very popular way to hike nowadays. We used GPS positioning, and the goal is to find a cache (a Tupperware container that contained a log book and cool items). It was a great way for two tech nerds to spend the day and have a rewarding prize at the end of a drug induced journey.
I loved those weekends! I remember being on of the rocky ledges, stoned out of my mind, and looking down. I was convinced that I couldn’t do it, and wanted to turn around. My friend Darrin though, managed to talk me up. I shouldn’t be so hard on the dude, my first climb up that mountain made me cringe in certain areas, but I was sure footed!!!
He’s a good guy but a little bland on the uptake, but overall he will make someone happy. After this expedition, I know I am not the guy for him. I think I need someone a little more abrasive, and bold like myself. I want someone who will challenge me and not just go with the flow, just because his older companion knows better. Nor do I want to be reminded that I have five years on him.
It was fun. Do I think it's going somewhere? No. I mean, I find him attractive, nice body and such; he's so nice though. I could never go for the nice guys...
Perhaps that's why I am still single till this very day - I can't say I love myself. As enigmatic as the rest of the world seems to you, you are not in solitary confinement. Every tree in our social forest is standing alone, despite seemingly clustered. Sounding pretentious already?
This med student you met seems interesting. Quiet and introspective, cute and non-abrasive...very hard to figure out ey? From the sound of things, seems like you were looking for a raging rough top.
I hope you're feeling better from your cold/ailment.
Love comes to you when you're least expecting of it. The med student can be bland, but maybe only bland in your eyes.
You could never date nice guys; but perhaps you're nice yourself and you're just seeking for something completely foreign to your soul.
No, lol, I'm not looking for a raging rough top...geeze. It's not about sex man, it's about connections and feeling something special with the other person. I just know what personalities work well with me, and what personalities are stale.
Anyway...I can't date nice guys because usually they are boring and a lot is expected of myself to carry the conversation and plan events. I'm not that nice myself, and would like someone that has a bad streak to themselves. I don't want to be in the situation where I meet someone super nice and we have wonderful nights reading in bed together while spending the days holding hands...and everything is lolli-pops and giggles.
I consider myself a nice girl and I don't think that makes me boring. I think maybe "nice" isn't the right word to discribe what you're NOT looking for.
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