The second thing I want to tell everyone is that I am in love with Brad. He’s a great guy, and, yeah, we have a few things to work on (mostly figuring out the sexual part of things) but regardless, I want to let everyone know how lucky and privileged I am to have met such a great guy.
I am still a little shocked about it all. I’m getting over it and really working on opening my heart to him. I’m not afraid anymore. In fact, I now understand what it’s like to have someone in my life that treats me the way people should be treated. I no longer want an emotionally unavailable guy who treats me poorly. I want to be with Brad, a guy who is totally into me, who cares about me, and who I know will respect me and make me smile for the rest of my life.
Ok, I’m being a little dramatic.
Good for you!!!! Congrats on finding love.
Emotionally unavailable guys suck.
You're a lucky guy to have found Brad, and he is lucky to have found you!
Thats great! BTW you dont need to apologize for sharing your emotion. In every post you speak from you heart and then retreat with something like "oh im being dramatic". No you deserve to be happy, enjoy it.
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