Hello fellow bloggers and readers alike. I just want to tell you all that I am sorry. I will never let love come in the way of writing again. And you know why I am back, don’t you? I mean, it must be obvious. We’ve called it quits.
I just want to promise you that I will not dedicated an entire blog to this guy. He’s deserving of it, but the wound is still fresh in my mind. Let’s just talk about nonsense instead.
I have been reading the Best of the Craigslist the last week or so. There were times when I was sitting in the office, reading about some annoying Barbie doll from SoCal who annoyed everyone in the coffee store so much, that someone wrote a small essay about it. It was hilarious. I was envious that I wasn’t the person who claimed to have split coffee on her…
Am I ok? Yeah. I mean, kind of. I have some shit to figure out now. It’s like I went in hiding for so long that I now have to figure out all the things that made me satisfied before I met Brad. My life is already busy enough so I don’t think it should take that much effort, though. I am ok. I’m better then ok.
What else…hmmmm. Oh yeah, Global Warming, it’s been done. The summer is non-existent and all the old eighty year old fucks in Victoria are reminiscing about what a real Islander summer is like. I’m not saying it’s not happening or anything but hell, there are weather trends also. It could very well be a weather trend.
Ok this is sad. I’m gonna have to take my laptop out with me and spy on really annoying people for inspiration. Right now I have nothing.
I miss him guys….
Hi Charlie,
I am sorry things did not work out. Take care of yourself.
Sorry it didn't work out. Take your time in missing him. I understand it's a bit weird trying to think back to the time before you met a certain person, kinda dealt that with that myself not too long ago.
hey Charlie,
sad to hear it didn't work out. take it easy. glad u're back. =)
Welcome back dude. Well the relationship that sucks. But at least u know that u can fall for someone and that its possible. before him u were kinda damaged goods so hey, look on the bright side.
I was damaged goods and I'm still friends with Brad. I have no regrets, don't worry. In fact, I'm very happy...and I have learned a great deal.
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