There’s this slightly irregular wind tonight. I guess it’s the dawning of something we all know is happening: change. From time to time, the massive gale strikes the house, causing the windows to shudder, and the rest of the structures gives, just a little, but not enough to cause any alarm.
In my bedroom, I have a full view full of both of my neighbors. It’s been so long that it almost seems mundane now, that our relationships have grown predictable and stale. Much is life when you stay in one place long enough.
I’m not complaining, I swear.
In less than three weeks I will be heading to
There’s this small voice inside of me that still thinks it might work. It whispers to me to fall in love with
I’m sure it will be different than that, but a man can dream, can he not? The upside is, no matter what the outcome, I am traveling to a new world, an entirely different culture, for 24 days!!! That in itself is enough for me. It’s enough to generate some excitement in my life, again.
I will try and write in my blog when I have a change and upload a picture of two. I will be without a computer so I hope to find one in a café or use Matt’s computer.
Wish me luck!
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