I have a confession to make, sigh, it’s a tough one; I have a feeling a lot of guys will have a major problem with me when I fess up. I wrote a note at the Y and placed it in the suggestion box, it said:
“There are gay men having sex in the sauna (steam room)”
-- A concerned citizen
Maybe I am a prude? Maybe I like going to an establishment that doesn’t have tons of gay men around having sex in strange places. I am concerned I may step on something. I mean, what if I went into the steam room and sat down in a spot that was just used for gay sex? I’m a person who dislikes germs; the thought of sex being carried out in a family-oriented establishment grosses me out.
Regardless, the gym is a place for people to work out. It’s not a place to make me or anyone else uncomfortable. I will also relate this discussion to other places such as parks where grown men have sex during the day, or public washrooms at malls, or government buildings, whatever. You know, initially I felt bad about leaving that note but the more I think about it, the better I feel - and the angrier I get.
We have this disease in our culture. It’s slowly degrading each individual man if he isn’t strong enough to think for himself – and what we are left with are people who have their souls chipped away. This posting is very judgmental and I know a lot of guys will hate me for my opinions, but you know what, I am entitled to it.
We all want equality. We all want to be a viable member in our communities, to strip away the stigma of being sex prevents, pedophiles, trolls, delinquents, but how can we if we continue these unfavorable practices? Most of my friends are straight and guess what? They all know about the park, most of them know about the gym, washrooms, etc and what we are doing is giving them reasons to look down on us, to judge us, to label us.
I think the younger generation is coming around, but the older generation is worrisome. They still have the “it’s just sex” mentality that will forever prevent them from having a monogamous, truly intimate relationship. Yeah, and if you read through my previous entries, I am not a prude; I have done questionable things in my life. But I DO not contribute to the labels associated with gay men (minus being free about casual sex which I think is something society reclaimed in the 60’s anyway).
My brothers, wake the fuck up. If you’re lonely…go to a spin class or buy some art supplies. I know people in my life who continually partake in risky behavior. If they were caught they’d probably lose their job and have their criminal record forever tainted. They would be labeled sexual offenders; try getting a job after that report. I guess I lack a firm understanding why someone would want to play with their life in such a way. It’s similar to the ‘my friend getting HIV story’ to some degree.
I hope now that we are being more accepted, and now that I see kids coming out earlier and earlier in life, and my knowing that kids think it’s acceptable, if not trendy to be gay, the next generation will be better. I want this utopia where we are no different that anyone else. I feel that way for the most part. I live in a very accepting place and it’s comparable to more progressive areas of Europe where it’s not even an issue anymore. I want that and WE will get it. For all of you that want to continue down your path of self-destructive behavior – go for it – but stay away from me. I have made an effort to keep all negative energy away from me, I consider you spoiled and uneducated – if not lacking in your own self-love.
It’s a journey my friends, choose wisely. Hate me if you will but I am what I am. I have a feeling the gay mafia may be coming after this entry :).
Well said...it's not all about sex!
No, you are not a prude for the way you think. I could not have said it better myself, and props to you for leaving the note. It is no wonder some people have such low respect and tolerence for us. They hear or see stuff like this and think we are the same. Yes, they shouldnt group us all together we are our own individual people but thats what happens in todays world. Lets hope a new path is started.
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