I have to write. It's this fucking addiction that makes me write. This fucking addiction that has owned my mind and body for 15 years. Yes, I am mad. It's been six days of being clean and sober, and I can tell you it's not a very gratifying experience. It feels awlful, my body is tired and aches, my head throbs...everything pisses me off. I just want to lock myself in a room and away from people.
On the bright side of things, it's been six fucking days. I'm very pleased and I know that this time, I can do it. It won't own me anymore. I can't let it own me anymore. I feel healthy, I'm more active (is that even possible?), and I can taste food, smell, and not have to worry about buying my next pack of cigerettes.
Life is good. Please send positive thoughts my way. I'm going to beat it. I swear.
Yes you will beat it !
Or I will be you !
How's that for motivation ?
Seriously though, Good for you ! I know you can do it ! Think of the goal.
meant to write "beat you" not "be you", woopsie.
In life, a door doesn't close without another one opening. I feel like I've been saying that a lot lately but it's true. Speaking from experiance, it's hard to say in the moment that something good will come of it, but it always does. As long as you have faith in yourself and in your life.
If things in life were easy, nothing would be great. So... go for great.
Thanks guys...today I feel awesome. NO addiction will control my life! Better take my St. John's Wort and have some cookies, later :).
That which matters the most must never give way to that which matters the least.
Keep up the good work, you can do it, stay the course.
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