Monday, January 16, 2006

Something is shaking in here

THERE WAS AN EARTHQUAKE IN VICTORIA this weekend...well closer to Sidney but it was an earthquake nonetheless. Four in the morning my friend and I were up shooting shit, and there ya go, the building shook. I immediately looked over at Jacob and I'm sure the color had drained from his face entirely. I'm curious, why do people get so freaked out over this? It's a natural occurrence and to me it's an exciting experience.

I remember the first time I witnessed an earthquake. I was new to Victoria and had just started work with my current company. A fresh newbie, sitting in a cubicle at the time - it was a nice cubicle mind you with a dome right above me. I have an office now, it's spacious and I can call people whenever I want...even my parents at the odd time. So yes, my first earthquake was very awesome.

I was in the office - it was noisy as usual and I even think this guy Rob was loud - that guy sometimes, sometimes I want to smack him. God, he really doesn't know how annoying he really is. The building shakes - it actually sounds more like a transport truck, like when I was growing up in that pathetic little fishing village - trucks carrying loads of crab or fish would pound through our communities at a break neck speed. It was insane, they didn't even make any considerations that kids maybe on the streets playing. I think they were powered by money and time, not gasoline. Some of the truck drivers were very hot reminds me of some really good porn I have watched.

Ok lets stay focused here.

My brain tells me it's a transport truck - although that would be an absurd notion if you look at our proximity to the road. After about 10 minutes - and realizing there are no people left in the building, I rush outside to be greeted by 200 or so people. My smile brightened and I realized I wasn't in Kansas anymore. My boss approaches me with a big grin on his face. I know he was thinking, stupid Newfie doesn't even know what an earthquake is...well, he was right, but after that experience, I'll never forgot again.

Earthquakes are awesome, sexy, inspiring, and powerful. On the east coast all we get are icebergs, fish shortages, fights with Irishmen, and major hangovers...with a blurred representation what had occurred the night before. I guess the big one will hit at some point - luckily I live in a wooden apartment building - I hear they are safer :). My friend was saying that these little quakes are actually healthy for the tectonic systems below is...It's like releasing a little tension, letting off a little steam. Let's just hope the big one spares me...I mean it would be cool to see a lot of our infrastructure damaged - maybe I could take advantage of other peoples misfortune. The property rates could slide, I can be in there writing a check or two, picking up the pieces with one thing in mind - absolute gain!

Big news, two of my workmates - on a team of four mind you - are leaving. I am the soul survivor, they better give me a fucking raise or I will bail ship. I have to keep this team going now, there is a great deal of pressure. What's new?

1 comment:

Matt™ said...

Yeah, little quakes are a good thing to releive the tectonic pressures below. Scientists get worried when there is stress but NO small quakes cause that can mean build-up for a huge one. I didn't even feal it, haah !